June 06, 2023

TOPPING OFF CEREMONY: Farmington High School

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The “topping off” ceremony celebrates the completion of the structure steel phase and the start of the next phase of construction. TSKP STUDIO’s Senior Designer and Construction Administrator, Archana Pai, was in attendance with O&G Industries, CSG, United Steel, Town representatives, school administration, the building committee, and the community to celebrate this milestone.

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Former TSKP STUDIO office manager Laura Gorden joined Archana

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Archana and Meghan Guerrera, Farmington High School Building Committee Chair

Farmington will have a new 238,400 sq. ft. High School for 1,404 students in grades 9-12.  Designed on the existing school site while the existing school remains occupied. The design is compact and energy efficient, with spaces encouraging collaboration and project-based learning.


Learn more about the project HERE.


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