July 25, 2023

RIBBON CUTTING: Mansfield Elementary School

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Mansfield students, officials, and the community gathered to celebrate the opening of the New Mansfield Elementary School. The first new Net Zero public school in Connecticut. It combines three neighborhood schools into one, housing PreK-4 students and furthers Mansfield’s sustainability efforts.

Students who broke ground two years ago in 2021 brought the project full circle and cut the ribbon to officially open their new school. Following the ceremony, guests were invited to tour the new school.

"I'm very proud of this building. I think Mansfield could be proud of this building. We see this building as a teaching tool for our kids to learn about sustainability. Interestingly, other towns in the state have heard about our project and have approached us to learn how we did this, and are anxious to come and see our school building as well." says Randy Walikonis, the Chair of the School Building Committee.

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"This building…the first thing you see and realize is the quality of the light. It is airy, it is comfortable, it is bright, it is cheerful, and it is built to serve the needs of teachers and students. [It is] a public space as well as an educational space," says Toni Moran, Mayor of Mansfield

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“We are so proud of this—the Mansfield community has made an incredible investment in students and 21st century teaching and learning,” says Superintendent Peter Dart.

Read the Full announcement from the Town HERE: https://www.mansfieldct.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=1584

Case Study: Mansfield Elementary School – Mansfield, CT


GROUNDBREAKING: New Net Zero Energy Mansfield Elementary School

GROUNDBREAKING: LEED Silver Randolph Elementary School - Randolph, MA

TOPPING OFF CEREMONY: Cohen Eastern Greenwich Civic Center – Greenwich, CT


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