June 02, 2021

GROUNDBREAKING: Net Zero Energy Buckley Elementary School Renovation - Manchester, CT

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Today, TSKP joined the staff of Manchester Public Schools (pictured above), Mayor Jay Moran, and other local committee members at the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the new Buckley Elementary School. Continuing with an ongoing redistricting plan, TSKP designed Buckley Elementary School to accommodate 375 students in grades K-4.

The project requires a 55,000 sq. ft. renovation and 9,000 sq. ft. expansion to create additional classrooms, a small group study area, a new cafeteria, and specialized spaces for special education, art, and music along with a daylit high ceiling STEM room. The design allows for this project to meet the criteria for Net Zero Energy. Explore the full project.

TSKP is excited to continue this project with a great team, listed below:

Construction Manager: O&G Industries

Civil / Traffic: SLR Industries

Structural Engineer: Macchi Engineers LLC

Mechanical/Lighting: CMTA Inc.

HazMat: TRC Environmental Group

Acoustical: Jaffe Holden

Technology: Bemis Associates

Food Design: Food Service Design

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CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Buckley Elementary School

NET ZERO ENERGY: Gov. Lamont visits Buckley Elementary School



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