August 28, 2024

RIBBON CUTTING: North Randolph Elementary School (MSBA)

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The Town of Randolph celebrated a significant milestone with the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new North Randolph Elementary School. Local officials, faculty, students, and the community gathered to mark the official opening of the state-of-the-art facility, which will serve as a cornerstone of education and community engagement for generations to come.

Superintendent Dr. Stovell Herndon reflected on the project’s impact on students and the community. “This building is more than just a school—it is a place of community. We designed this school with joy, creativity, and collaboration in mind,” she said. “From the small group instruction rooms that encourage teamwork to the welcoming front porch where parents can gather, this school represents the spirit of inclusion and innovation that we hope to foster in Randolph.”

High-Profile Article:

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The TSKP STUDIO team: Jesse Saylor, Susan Pinckney, Mary-Lynn Radych and Stephanie Beals.

Case StudyNorth Randolph Elementary School - Randolph, MA


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