July 23, 2024

PROJECT UPDATE: Greylock Elementary School In North Adams Garnering Public Support

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The MSBA Board of Directors voted to approve a grant of up to $41,557,218 for a new Greylock Elementary School in the City of North Adams. The new school will focus on early childhood education, serving students in pre-kindergarten through second grade.

Watch TSKP STUDIO principal, Jesse Saylor, and Greylock Elementary School neighbor, Connie Tatro, explain how the surrounding neighborhood and landscape influenced the design of the school and what this project means for the community.

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Vimeo Link with Sound: https://vimeo.com/995479591?share=copy

“It shows we are willing to invest in the youngest of the young. It builds community for our city”

- Connie Tatro

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The Net-Zero Ready school is also targeting roughly $3.6M in energy incentives from the Inflation Reduction Act and the Mass Save Program. Its mechanical system will employ geothermal wells and heat pumps and its roof will readily support solar panels.

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Case Study: Greylock Early Childhood School

Greylock School Project Website: https://www.napsk12.org/page/greylock-school-project

In The News: North Adams Awarded $41.5M Grant for a new Greylock Elementary School

                    MSBA Board Shifts Greylock School Project into Funding Phase



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