For UConn's expanding downtown Hartford presence, TSKP STUDIO designed renovations within the main branch of the Hartford Public Library. Roughly 17,600 SF has been renovated to accommodate UConn functions related to its downtown academic programs. A related program of renovation to other affected areas in the library was also designed encompassing roughly 34,000 SF.
The project includes a series of spaces on the lower level including a Digital Media Suite, a Tutoring Suite, a large area for independent study and reading areas, group study, and collaboration spaces along with a few offices and staff work areas.
For both UConn and the HPL, we designed two areas of compact shelving totaling roughly 9,000 linear feet. The larger area (approx 6,500 LF) was redesigned to accommodate the Hartford History Center Collection, requiring special shelving for the wide array of artifacts and archival storage. All work was done while the library remained in full operation.
LEED Silver Compliant