1 tskp studio bridgeport jettie tisdale elementary school main entrance 1400 0x0x3328x4992 q85
3 tskp studio bridgeport jettie tisdale elementary school gynmasium cafeteria gymatorium interior 1400 0x0x2496x1664 q85
Tskp studio bridgeport jettie tisdale elementary school atrium first floor 1400 0x266x1924x2620 q85
4 tskp studio bridgeport jettie tisdale elementary school library media center 1400 0x0x2496x1664 q85

This PreK through 8th grade school is designed to be a community oriented urban school serving 750 students in a 104,488 SF structure. Located on a 7.25 acre site, the design is a compact building in order to accommodate an outdoor classroom, age-appropriate play areas and athletic fields in addition to parking and separated vehicular circulation for bus and parent drop-off. Bay windows and a second floor overhang create a residential scale appropriate to the surrounding neighborhood. The interiors are organized around a central atrium corridor open to both floors with direct access to: cafeteria, library, gymnasium and main office. Classrooms are organized into three distinct areas serving primary grades, middle grades and upper grades, each with their own common area and sense of identity. The building is also designed to be energy efficient with computerized systems monitoring heating, cooling and air quality. An ice storage system, occupancy sensors and natural lighting sensors which reduce the use of artificial light will reduce energy demands.


City of Bridgeport


Bridgeport, CT


104,488 SF

Arrow pink Arrow white
Arrow pink Arrow white

Jettie S. Tisdale School

1 tskp studio bridgeport jettie tisdale elementary school main entrance 1400 xxx q85
3 tskp studio bridgeport jettie tisdale elementary school gynmasium cafeteria gymatorium interior 1400 xxx q85
Tskp studio bridgeport jettie tisdale elementary school atrium first floor 1400 xxx q85
4 tskp studio bridgeport jettie tisdale elementary school library media center 1400 xxx q85
Arrow pink
Arrow pink

Jettie S. Tisdale School

This PreK through 8th grade school is designed to be a community oriented urban school serving 750 students in a 104,488 SF structure. Located on a 7.25 acre site, the design is a compact building in order to accommodate an outdoor classroom, age-appropriate play areas and athletic fields in addition to parking and separated vehicular circulation for bus and parent drop-off. Bay windows and a second floor overhang create a residential scale appropriate to the surrounding neighborhood. The interiors are organized around a central atrium corridor open to both floors with direct access to: cafeteria, library, gymnasium and main office. Classrooms are organized into three distinct areas serving primary grades, middle grades and upper grades, each with their own common area and sense of identity. The building is also designed to be energy efficient with computerized systems monitoring heating, cooling and air quality. An ice storage system, occupancy sensors and natural lighting sensors which reduce the use of artificial light will reduce energy demands.


City of Bridgeport


Bridgeport, CT


104,488 SF