Facing rising enrollments, the Town engaged TSKP STUDIO to study the existing facility for compliance with the Town’s middle school program, grades 6-8.
The study reported a series of deficiencies, resulting in a proposed building program entailing: a new block of 14 classrooms, a 660-seat auditorium, an expansion of the cafeteria and kitchen, along with some infrastructure improvements such as new boilers, new water service and generator.
TSKP STUDIO’s design solution allows the community direct access to the new auditorium, existing gymnasium and expanded cafeteria for after school functions. Looking to reduce construction time and maintenance requirements, copper was specified for the exterior wall and roofing of the new auditorium. The copper-clad panels on the exterior elevations are lighter than masonry, reducing structural supports, are faster to construct, and will be maintenance free for decades. The roofing is expected to last a century requiring only occasional inspection during that period. The design retains a large old-growth tree as a central feature of the new courtyard which is defined by the classroom addition.
High Performance Building / LEED Silver Equivalent